can you speak better than her?lol

Friday, January 30, 2009

How to Make Scrambled Eggs. lol

Hi everyone,

Today, we are going to learn how to cook scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs are a simple dish that people eat in most parts of the world.

3 eggs
Olive Oil
Sea Salt

Put a non-stick pan on the stove over medium heat. Cover the bottom of the pan with olive oil.
Crack open three eggs into a mixing bowl. Using a fork, quickly beat the eggs in a circular motion until the yolks and the egg whites are mixed together.
When the pan is hot, pour the eggs into the pan and move them gently every ten seconds with a spatula.
When the bottom side of the eggs is cooked, flip them over and continue to move the eggs every ten seconds until all of the liquid isText Colour cooked.
Sprinkle the desired amount of sea salt onto the eggs. Turn off the stove and put the eggs onto a plate. Enjoy!

Non-stick pan: a pan with a special surface that prevents food from sticking to it.
Crack: To open an egg. This is a collocation.
Beat: To quickly stir.
Yolk: The yellow part of the egg.
Egg White: The white part of the egg.
Spatula: A flat cooking tool.
Flip: To rotate.
Sprinkle: To distribute.


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