can you speak better than her?lol

Sunday, March 8, 2009

How English Works: A Grammar Practice Book (with Answers),204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU08_.jpg

Michael Swan / Catherine Walter, «How English Works: A Grammar Practice Book (with Answers)»

Oxford University Press | ISBN: 0194314561 | 1997-10-31 | 368 pages | DJVU | 8 Mb

Self-study material for learning and practising English grammar. Covers all important elements in the standard EFL grammar syllabus in a wholly novel way. Covers all the important elements in the standard EFL grammar syllabus. Includes entry tests to show students what they need to study most; short learner-friendly grammar presentations followed by examples of correct use and simple traditional-type exercises to build confidence. There are two editions - with Answers and without.



kuba said...

What kind of file is .djvu ??? I can't open it. Please could you post it as .pdf ???

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