We use the idea of "cold" in many idioms, to refer to weather, to people, and to relationships. Here are some of the more common idioms and phrases.
Weather and temperature
ice cold / freezing cold / stone cold = very cold: "This tea is stone cold!"
a cold snap / a cold spell = cold weather: "We're in for a cold snap this weekend."
cold-hearted = not be a warm person: "She is so cold-hearted, ignoring her boyfriend like that!"
cold-blooded killer / kill someone in cold blood = have no mercy for your victim: "He was killed in cold blood."
cold fish = a "cold" person: "The new manager is a bit of a cold fish. I don't know what to make of him."
Lack of enthusiasm or emotion
get cold feet = when you suddenly don't feel brave enough for something: "We wanted to go on holiday to Egypt, then my husband got cold feet about flying."
blow hot and cold = not be able to decide something: "I don't know about moving house. I'm blowing hot and cold about it."
in the cold light of day = when you can think clearly about something: "In the cold light of day, the ghost stories didn't seem so scary."
cold facts = plain facts: "Just give me the cold facts!"
leave someone cold = not be interested in something / someone: "I'm afraid that watching football on TV just leaves me cold."
throw cold water on something = destroy other people's enthusiasm about something: "We thought we had some really good ideas, but then she threw cold water on them."
leave someone out in the cold = not include someone: "While the others were playing cards, she was left out in the cold."
come in from the cold = be accepted into a group: "He's finally come in from the cold."
give someone the cold shoulder = ignore someone: "After the party,he was given the cold shoulder."
Cold War = the state of unfriendliness between the USA and the USSR after World War II: "We're studying the Cold War in history".
be out cold = be unconscious: "After a bottle of whisky he was out cold."
go cold turkey = to go through withdrawal symptoms from drugs: "The only way to get off drugs is by going cold turkey."
cold call = call someone you don't know to sell them something: "Cold-calling isn't always an effective sales technique."
cold comfort = a small piece of good news which doesn't make much difference to a bad situation: "Sales reductions of 50% are cold comfort if you don't have any money to go shopping!"
get / catch a cold = become ill with a cold: "I caught a cold last week."
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Friday, February 13, 2009
English idioms using "cold"
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