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Blog Archive
Jan 28
- Why you should learn English
- Masculine, Feminine,Young
- School equipement
- Maghribe says..
- beginner's bodcasts
- If....It's
- Phrasal verds
- Birth life
- Money vocab
- Jobs
- The Human Body
- Men's clothessuit(s)shirt(s)tie(s)<
- Idioms and sayings
- English plural forms
- English is not Phonetic
- Grammar basics
- Dynamic english
- 11) back down to admi...
Jan 28
My Headlines
can you speak better than her?lol
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Masculine, Feminine,Young
Masculine | Feminine | Young | |
Bull | Cow | Calf | |
Ram | Sheep | Lamb | |
Boar | Sow | Piglet | |
Cockerel | Hen | Chicken |
Posted by
9:26 PM
Labels: vocabulary
School equipement
General writing equipment
pen(s) biro(s) paper exercise book(s) ruler(s) Special art equipment
paint brush(es) palette(s) paint crayon(s) pencil(s) pencil sharpener(s) rubber(s)
eraser(s)glue craft knife(knives)
Posted by
9:21 PM
Labels: vocabulary
Maghribe says..
As the sun shines there will be another color
As the face signs there must be a diffrent brother
As the shape lies YOU GOTTA think much deeper
As the walk goes you gotta see much faster
As the talk tones you gotta be a good listner
As the body stinks you gotta smell much better
As the lady winks you gotta ease your heart temper
As the wish fades you gotta be a good runner
As the thought hides you gotta hear the wake up caller
As the whole departs you gotta bring that which gather
As the TRUTH lasts you gotta be an honest seeker
And As as my word falls i gotta be a good writer
Posted by
8:51 PM
Labels: Free topics
beginner's bodcasts
1/ Simple dialogues which takes place in a restaurant. 10 episodes. It is a good idea to listen many times to each part.
2/ Simple dialogues introducing some of the common greetings and salutations.
3/ Simple, but entertaining story of how 3 people meet because of the Linguist. Part 26 of 26 episodes. This simple story is available in other languages at
DOWNLOAD / 17 MB / 43 MP3
Posted by
2:06 PM
Labels: podcast
Posted by
Learn English Today And Talk To The World
11:22 AM
Labels: Free topics, Jokes
Phrasal verds
22) bear with
23) beat back
24) beat down
25) beat down
26) beat off
27) beat out
28) beat out
29) beat up
30) beat to
Posted by
Learn English Today And Talk To The World
9:52 AM
Labels: Grammar, Grammar Phrasal verds
Birth life
Growing Up - The stages of childhood | ||
Between 1 to 12 months you are a baby, an infant, or a girl / boy. | ||
toddler | Between the ages of 1 to 3 years, when you start to walk, you are a toddler, or a girl / boy. | |
preschooler child kid | Between the ages of 3 to 5 years you are a preschooler, a child, a kid, or a girl / boy. | |
schoolchild schoolgirl schoolboy | Between the ages of 5 to 10 years you are a child, a schoolchild / schoolgirl / schoolboy, or a girl / boy. | |
preteen | Between the ages of 11 to 12 years you are a preteen, a schoolchild / schoolgirl / schoolboy, a child, or a girl / boy. | |
teenager | Between the ages of 13 to 19 years you are a teenager. | |
man woman | From the age of 18 you are legally an adult, or a man / woman. This is the age at which you can get married without having to ask your parents (called parental consent). |
Posted by
8:32 AM
Labels: vocabulary
Money vocab
Account: n. a record of money a person deposits into a bank Balance: n. the difference between credits and debits in an account Bank: n. a building in which commercial banking is transacted. Bank charges: n. money paid to a bank for the bank's services etc Banker’s draft: n. a cheque drawn on the bank (or building society) itself against either a cash deposit or funds taken directly from your own bank account. Barter: v. to trade without using money. Borrow: v. to ask for the temporary use of money on the condition of repayment and at a set rate of interest. Branch: n. local office or bureau of a bank building society s. A building society is like a bank, but it is owned by its members - savers and borrowers - and not by shareholders. Its traditional purpose was to lend money to individuals to purchase or remortgage their homes. This money used to come exclusively from individual saving members who are paid interest on their deposits. Now, an increasing proportion, but still minorities of the funds are raised on the commercial money markets. Cash flow n. cash earnings minus cash outflows for fixed- and working-capital investment Cashier n. an employee of a bank or building society who receives and pays out money. Cheque book: n. book containing detachable cheques Cheque n. written order to a bank to pay the stated sum from one's account Counterfeit: n. fake money made in order to deceive - also v Credit n. money in a bank a/c; sum added to a bank a/c; money lent by a bank – alsov Credit card n. (Plastic) card from a bank authorising the purchasing of goods on credit Currency: n. money that is used by a country such as the United Kingdom.
Posted by
8:10 AM
Labels: vocabulary
Job | What do they do? | Where do they work? |
Accountants | Look after the finances in an organisastion. | They work in an office. |
Bakers | Bake bread. | They work in a bakery. |
Barbers | Shave men's beards and cut men's hair. | They work in a barbers. |
Barmen/women | Serve drinks. | They work in a bar, pub or restaurant. |
Butchers | Prepare and sell meat. | They work in a butchers. |
Chambermaids | Clean and tidy rooms. | They work in a hotel. |
Chefs | Prepare and cook food. | They work in a kitchen. |
Dentists | Look after people's teeth. | They work in a dentists. |
Doctors | Look after people's health. | They work in a hospital or surgery. |
Fishmongers | Prepare and sell fish. | They work in a fishmongers. |
Flight attendants | Look after passengers. | They work in an airplane. |
Hair dressers | Cut and style people's hair. | They work in a hair salon. |
Judges | Judge and sentence people. | They work in a law court. |
Lawyers | Defend and prosecute people. | They work in a law court and in a lawyers office. |
Nurses | Look after patients . | They work in a hospital or doctor's surgery. |
Opticians | Look after people's eye sight. | They work in an opticians. |
Posted by
8:02 AM
Labels: vocabulary
Men's clothes
suit(s) shirt(s) tie(s) women's clothes
dress(es) blouse(s) skirt(s) tanktop(s) Uni-Sex
coat(s) jacket(s) t-shirt(s) trouser(s) jean(s) short(s) jumper(s) pullover(s) cardigan(s) sweatshirt(s) Baby clothes
romper suit(s) nappy (nappies/Diapers)
Posted by
7:49 AM
Labels: vocabulary
Idioms and sayings
Idiom/Saying | Explanation |
To bring home the bacon. For example: "He felt it was his responsibility to bring home the bacon." | To earn a living for the family. |
To balance the books. For examples: "The accountant couldn't work out the profit and loss until they had balanced the books." | To make certain that the amount of money spent is not more than the amount of money received. |
A ball park figure. For example: "Until we had costed the project properly we were only able to give the customer a ball park figure." | A general financial figure. |
A bean-counter. For example: "The bean-counters told us we had to reduce the budget." | An accountant |
Blood on the carpet . For example: "After the meeting there was blood on the carpet. " | A lot of trouble in an organisation often resulting in someone losing their job. |
Posted by
7:46 AM
Labels: Grammar
English is not Phonetic
Always remember that English is not "phonetic". That means that we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it. Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation, for example: Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation, for example: Learn the 52 Sounds of English |
Posted by
6:32 AM
Labels: Grammar
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