21) bear out
to support the truth of something يدعم صحة شيء
His version of events just isn't borne out by the facts If you tell them what happened I will bear you out
22) bear with
22) bear with
to be patient and wait while someone does something يصبر على الشخص حتى ينجز عمله
If you'll just bear with me for a moment, I'll find you a copy of the drawings
23) beat back
23) beat back
use force to move someone or something dangerous away from you
يدفع بقوة لإبعاد شخص او شيء خطيرعنه
Riot police beat back the crowds of demonstrators
24) beat down
24) beat down
sun) shines very strongly and makes the air very hot) تشع بقوة و تجعل الهواء حارا
The tropical sun beat down on them mercilessly
25) beat down
25) beat down
to persuade someone to accept a lower amount of money for something
يقنع شخص بقبول كمية اقل من المال ثمن شيء
He wanted £50 for the bike, but I managed to beat him down to £35
26) beat off
26) beat off
to manage to defeat someone who is attacking you تتغلب على شخص يقوم بمهاجمتك
She beat off her attacker by hitting him with her handbag
27) beat out
27) beat out
to defeat يهزم They beat out several other rivals for the contract
28) beat out
28) beat out
of to make someone say things they do not want to by hitting يرغم شخص على قول اشياء من خلال الضرب The men claimed that the police had beaten the confession out of them
29) beat up
29) beat up
to hurt someone badly by hitting or kicking them again and again يؤذي عن طريق الضرب المتكرر
He claims he was beaten up by the police
30) beat to
30) beat to
it to do something before someone else does it يسبق في القيام بعمل قبل شخص آخر
I was just going to tidy up the kitchen, but you've beaten me to it
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