indicative mood expresses a simple statement of fact, which can be positive (affirmative) or negative interrogative mood expresses a question imperative mood expresses a command subjunctive mood expresses what is imagined or wished or possible Voice shows the relationship of the subject to the action. In the active voice, the subject does the action (cats eat mice). In the passive voice, the subject receives the action (mice are eaten by cats). Among other things, we can use voice to help us change the focus of attention. Aspect expresses a feature of the action related to time, such as completion or duration. Present simple and past simple tenses have no aspect, but if we wish we can stress with other tenses that:What is Tense?
tense (noun): a form of a verb used to indicate the time, and sometimes the continuation or completeness, of an action in relation to the time of speaking. (From Latin tempus = time). Mood
I have emailed the report to Jane. (so now she has the report)
(This is called perfective aspect, using perfect tenses.)
We are eating.
(This is called progressive aspect, using progressive [continuous] tenses.)
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Grammar basics
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