Hello! My name is Alexander, and I’d like you to meet my family.
First of all, there are my parents, Lisa and Andrew. My mother is a veterinarian. She has medium-length blond hair and blue eyes and she wears glasses. My father is a professional artist who specializes in illustrating children’s books. He’s going bald, but he’s got a dark brown moustache and a little beard. His eyes are brown, too. He’s very good at fixing things.
I have two younger sisters, Karine and Tracie. Karine is almost nine. She’s got long blond braids and blue eyes. She looks like my mother, but she doesn’t have glasses. Karine loves animals, especially Polly, the family dog (a golden retriever) and her green budgie, Peeko. Karine is very good at sports, and she does gymnastics.
I’m the oldest child. I’m three years older than Karine. My birthday is August 29. I have straight black hair and blue eyes. I’m very tall and play basketball on the school team. My jersey number is thirty-four. I like school, especially math and science, and I would like to become an astronaut.
We live in a big brick house at fifty-four, twenty-one Tamara Street.
We are a great family!
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can you speak better than her?lol
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Meet the Jacobson Family!
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